DMK Enzyme Therapy
It is simply about restoring balance and enhancing skin to function optimally once more.
DMK believes that the origin of most skin conditions is a result of disharmony within the skin. Using the principles of biochemistry, DMK has formulated a range of treatments and products designed to educate skin to perform like youthful healthy skin.
Remove, Rebuild, Protect, Maintain.
Remove, Rebuild, Protect, Maintain.
DMK Skin Revision | 90min | $240.00
DMK Non-Surgical Enzyme therapy treatment is designed to unclog pores, dissolve dead cells and impurities trapped within your skin. It also restores oxygen and vital cellular nutrition. It works by stimulating naturally occurring collagen production to restore the structural integrity back into your skin. Enzymes are living substances that help to regulate your bodies health and to form a natural system of antioxidants that fight free radicals. DMK has created a formula that uses these enzymes to remove dead protein and toxins from the epidermis. While other treatments may only treat the skins surface, DMK Enzyme Treatment works WITH the skin to strengthen its structural integrity and create a healthy environment for cells to live and thrive in.
DMK Enzyme + Microneedling | 120min | $397.00
The combination of Microneedling paired with Enzyme 1 after needling is done for maximum benefits. Please read the description of Enzyme 1 under “DMK Skin Revision” & then Microneedling’s description under the section “Microneedling” on our menu.
Advanced PH Skin Revision | 90min | $295.00
Designed to swell, soften and dissolve redundant tissue, pH Revision Treatment works well to revise pigmentation, ageing, acne, and scarring. An exclusive and unique treatment which turns the skin natural slightly acidic pH to an alkaline state in order to increase the skin’s responsivity to treatments and products. It works to swell, soften and dissolve unwanted dead skin cells that cause hyper-pigmentation, signs of ageing, scars, razor bumps, acne as well as remove unwanted hair. It also works to remove milia and revise rosacea and can be used on areas of the body. After an alkaline treatment you can expect your skin to feel incredibly soft, silky and appear brighter with a more even skin tone.
This is the only brand in the world offering this innovative and unique treatment. The enzymatic treatment enhances optinal skin functioning by working with internal systems to increase circulation, oxygenation and lymphatic drainage. Reverse osmosis flushes through the cells, helping to clear toxins and free radicals while stimulating collagen production. Muscle banding is a process where the enzymes are used to lift and tighten the facial muscles. It is ideal for mature clients. It is a pain free process that is safe as DMK have replicated the bodies chemistry and processes.
Dermaplaning is a minimally invasive procedure that shaves away the top layers of your skin. It can help reduce the appearance of acne scars or pitted skin. Some people get dermaplaning to remove unwanted hair.
LED light promoting anti-aging effects and reducing inflammation. The purported benefits include an increase in the amount of collagen in the skin, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other stigmata of aging.
A fast and easy way to improve the tone and texture of your skin. Chemical peels come in a variety of strengths and types. They can minimize hyperpigmentation, fine lines, acne, and scarring. The peel amount can range from light to heavy.